Ce am mai făcut eu după ultima călătorie în Italia? Pe lângă altele, desigur? Am căutat bloguri alte expaților :D De fapt nu doream să găsesc numai bloguri ci mai repede îmi doream să găsesc experiențe ale unora care au trecut de la stadiul de “îndrăgostiți de Italia” la stadiul de imigranți curioși de “dolce vita”. Așa i-am descoperit pe Kate și Rob, pe care i-am adoptat imediat in blogroll, mai apoi pe Christy și apoi pe Sara. Iar într-o zi leneșă am descoperit o listă întreagă de care m-am bucurat maxim. Sunt mulți, foarte mulți și știu că sunt de fapt cu mult mai mulți.
Să aruncăm un ochi pe ce zic ei despre cea mai mare și “drastică” schimbare din viața lor.
Kate & Rob in La Vita e Bella
“Wondering how a married 20-something American couple ends up moving to Florence, Italy? Yea, we get that question a lot!
We’ve both always been wanderers, dreamers and adventurers. Rob grew up in Indiana, went to boarding school in California, college in D.C. and found his way to Arlington, Louisville, Philadelphia and now Italy with Kate, originally from Bucks County, PA. For years, we brainstormed ways to (legally) live in Italy. In the meantime, we tried living the more conventional life…moved to Louisville (a great city, btw), bought a house, got a car, etc. But, that life just wasn’t meant for us. It turns out that the answer was there all along: jure sanguinis AKA Italian dual citizenship. Kate qualifies through her paternal great-grandfather; Rob qualifies through his marriage to Kate (he knew it would come in handy eventually).
After 12 months of document searching, certifying and translating (including 6 months shacked up with Kate’s parents in the Philly area), we made the move to Florence, Italy in January 2010. All of the hard work and sacrifice has totally been worth it. We’re not sure how long will be here — could be forever, could be another year or so. For now, we’re living life by the seat of our pants and loving every second of it. You may be wondering how we support ourselves while living abroad. Well, here is what makes our lives a lot easier: we own a marketing/web consulting business. All of our business is online. Our clients are all over the map. We are truly location independent. We’ve worked really hard to get our business to this point. “
Christy in Ciao Christy
“I’m a Southern gal, who after living my whole life in Atlanta, packed up in 2009 & moved to Florence. I have a wonderful life here with the most scrumptious man I know, darling cat Abby and some of the best friends I could ever imagine. This blog is about my life, living as an expat, both the good & the bad, the funny & sad. What I DO know for sure is : I do feel fortunate to have met Antonio. I do feel blessed to have the best girlfriends in the entire world. I do feel lucky to walk past some of the most extraordinary works of art : every.single.day. “
Sara in When in Florence
“A little over 10 years ago I left my home in L.A and moved to Italy. I had a few hundred dollars, two overweight suitcases and no idea what I was going to do once I arrived. But I knew I was in love, with the City of Florence that is; I immediately felt comfortable here, like I was home. And then, before I knew what hit me, I fell in love again, this time with Luigi, the charming Southern Italian ragazzo I had only spent a few weeks with on my first trip. He was the only person I knew in the city. He took me back to his place and told me I could stay until I figured out what I was going to do. Well, as it turns out, I never left. We’ve been together ever since and have now been married for 5 years. After a few years in Florence I returned to California to further my studies at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena receiving my BFA in Fine Art. Shortly after graduating I returned to Florence and began working as a historical tour guide and developing my jewelry designs. My favorite things in life are my wonderful husband, my amazing girlfriends, my fat cat called Michelangelo, and Uniball colored pens.”
Well, peste aceste trei mărturii, care sper să fie un punct de plecare și pentru voi în explorarea blogurilor de travel, living and dreaming in Italy, mai ziceam ceva de o listă. Curioși? Oricum, Ms. Adventures in Italy este și el un blog de urmărit în sine.
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